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There is no public oddsmatcher for BetWay, so you'll need to find your own event following the steps below.

We assume you've already gone through the matched betting guide before starting this matched bet.

  1. Register with BetWay

    Click here to be taken to the promo page and register a new account.

    Deposit £10.00 in your account. Leave this browser window open.

    This is the amount required for your first (or qualifying) bet     which is needed to unlock the free £10.00 bet (next step).
    Select "View odds as decimals" if you haven't already.
  2. Find a bet

    Ideally you want to find a sporting event (preferably football) which has close odds on both BetWay (the bet to back) and Smarkets (the lay bet). Stick to popular markets, such as Win-Draw-Win or Half-time Result.

    Look on BetWay first then find the equivalent lay bet on Smarkets.

    For this free bet offer, BetWay's terms state you must pick odds of 1.75 or greater. It's better to choose a bet with low odds for this step, as close as possible to 1.75 and no higher than 3.0.

    Finally, choose an event that's going to happen within the next 48 hours to save you waiting around later. But be careful about picking an event which is starting within 4 hours because odds will be fluctuating more, making things a bit trickier.

  3. Enter the odds

    Once you've found a suitable match, submit the "Back odds" (from BetWay) and the "Lay odds" (from Smarkets) below. They must be decimals (eg. 3.50). The tool will then automatically do the calculations for you and update the next steps.

Back Odds Lay Odds

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